[:es]La AICA Paraguay, sección nacional de la Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte, ha renovado su Consejo Directivo para el período 2014-2016 durante la asamblea general que se llevó a cabo el 29 de octubre pasado. La actual directiva está compuesta por Alban Martínez Gueyraud (presidente), Aníbal Cardozo Ocampo (secretario general) y Lía Colombino (tesorera). Son vocales Adriana Almada, Ticio Escobar y Miguel Ángel Fernández.[:en]The AICA Paraguay, national section of the International Association of Art Critics, has renewed its Directive Board for the period 2012-2014 in the General Assembly on Oct. 30. The new president is Miguel Angel Fernandez – founding member of the Paraguayan Association – who succeeds Adriana Almada, who stays in charge of the General Secretariat. Real Osvaldo Torres, Carlos Sosa and Lía Colombino are Vocals, who, like Hannibal Cardozo Ocampo joined the association in July, after being accepted by the Electoral Commission and endorsed by the General Assembly of the International AICA meeting in Zurich on the occasion of the 45th Congress of the AICA.[:]